Cultural Threads
Drum Theatre, Dandenong
Here and Now was made as a site specific installation for the Drum Theatre in Dandenong as part of the Cultural Threads Festival. The community has around
140 different cultures and I worked with primary school children and various cultural groups to produce around 60 engraved glass panels depicting details of fabrics and textures from diverse cultures.
In the centre of the installation hang a series of my powder printed glass panels with details of fabrics and laces sourced from the collection of Mrs Dorothy Hart, a seam-stress who lived in one of the grandest houses in Dandenong for over 50 years.

Finished installation with one of Mrs Dorothy Hart's dresses in foreground

Finished installation detail

Finished installation detail

Panels ready to be hung

Detail of powder printed glass panel

Powder printed glass color tests

The Drum Theatre wall with brackets in place

Looking through the Dandenong archives at Mrs Dorothy Hart's clothing collection!

Powder printing with my little assistant

Amazing glass etching by year 6 student

Glass etching example by one of the students in the project

The students produced beautiful intricate work

Two of the engraved panels from the Burmese Women's workshop

Finished etched panels from one of the schools involved in the project

A student working on her engraved panel

A group of Burmese women working on their engraved panels